The Building Employees Redundancy Trust (BERT) provides redundancy payments and benefits to its members along with training grants for workers in Queensland and Northern Territory’s building and construction industry.

Since the BERT Fund commenced, it has paid out over $814 million in redundancy benefits to our members in their time of need, and $172 million in welfare benefits for the betterment of the industry.

The Building Employees Redundancy Trust (BERT) was established in 1989 to provide redundancy payments and benefits to its members in the Queensland Construction Industry. It now also covers the Northern Territory building and construction industry.

These redundancy payments and benefits provide members and their families with financial assistance in the event of ceasing employment because of redundancy, shortage of work or end of season or contract.

In 1996 a new trust, the BERT Fund was established to cater for new member welfare benefits introduced by BERT and included the establishment of the BERT Welfare Fund. Profits resulting from the investment of contributions paid by Employers and the interest earned from these investments are reinvested back into the industry through the Welfare Fund to support and fund innovative welfare initiatives that benefit the building and construction industry.

The BERT Fund has the full support of the major employer associations and employee unions operation in the Queensland and Northern Territory building and construction industry.

From 1 February 2023, after a 3 year battle with the ATO, the BERT Fund received a private tax ruling that allows genuinely redundant claims to be tax free up to the maximum amount allowed by the ATO.