About Us

About BERT

The Building Employees Redundancy Trust (BERT) was established in 1989 to provide redundancy payments and benefits to its members in the Queensland Construction Industry. It now also covers the Northern Territory building and construction industry. In 1996 a new trust, the BERT Fund was established to cater for new member welfare benefits introduced by BERT and included the establishment of the BERT Welfare Fund.

The BERT Fund has the full support of the major employer associations and employee unions operation in the Queensland and Northern Territory building and construction industry.

BERT is managed by a Trustee Company, BERT Fund Limited ACN 607 106 650.

In addition, there are number of entities that make up the BERT Group.  These include: Building Employees Welfare Trust (BEWT),  BERT Welfare Limited, BERT Financial Services (BFS) and the QCTF Fund Limited (BTF).

The BERT Group has eight Directors. The Employer Association – Master Builders Queensland (MBQ) and Trade Unions that participate in BERT each nominate and appoint four Directors to sit on the each of the Boards. The Boards are dedicated to providing security of greater redundancy payments and benefits to members. By appointing a well-balanced Board of Directors, the Fund is able to maintain an objective outlook on the best way to look after members needs.

The BERT Group Board

The Directors as at September 2024 are:

Employee (Union) Representatives:

Director | CFMEU
Director | CFMEU
Director | CFMEU
Director | PPTEU

Paul Dunbar
Ross Davidson
Hemal Patel
Gary O’Halloran

Employer Representatives:

Director | MBQ 
Director | MBQ
Director | MBQ
Director | MBQ

John Crittall
Nick Herron
Rod McDonald
Mark Spry

About CIP

Construction Income Protection – CIP commenced on 1st March 2001 to provide income protection and portability of sick leave benefits for workers in the building and construction industry within Queensland and Northern Territory. On 6th September 2004 Construction Income Protection Ltd was established to oversee the fund. This company replaced Construction Income Protection (Qld) Pty Ltd.

The Fund has the support of the building unions and the builder’s party to its development. The benefits payable by the Fund provide building workers an income whilst off work due to long-term illness or injury for up to 104 weeks. It also allows workers to utilise untaken sick leave that previously was forfeited when the employee left employment.

Construction Income Protection Limited (ABN 43 110 841 962) is a public company limited by guarantee. The company has eight Directors – an equal number of employer and worker representative directors nominated by each of the Queensland Master Builders Association and building unions representing workers. The CIP Board is dedicated to providing security of income protection and sick leave preservation to members. By appointing a well-balanced Board of Directors, the Fund is able to maintain an objective outlook on the best way to look after members needs.

The CIP Board

The Directors as at September 2024 are:

Employee (Union) Representatives:

Chair | CFMEU
Director | CFMEU
Director | CFMEU
Director | PPTEU

Paula Masters
Emma Eaves
Tony Stott
Gary O’Halloran

Employer Representatives:

Director | MBQ
Director | MBQ
Director | MBQ
Director | MBQ

John Crittall
Nick Herron
Rod McDonald
Craig Dearling


CIP Limited has rules that state how the Fund must operate and what benefits can be paid to workers. These rules are set out in a legal document called a constitution. If you wish to obtain a copy of any of the rules of CIP contact the Fund on 1300 261 114 or via email at [email protected].

About BEWT

Building Employees Welfare Trust (BEWT) has been established to further promote the objectives of the Building Employees Redundancy Trust (BERT) BEWT Contributions collectively benefit the industry including members being able to access training for short courses and industry apprenticeship funding under the BERT Training Fund.

About BERT Welfare

The BERT Welfare Fund was established to promote education and welfare initiatives in the industry.

The Fund also provides a range of benefits to members including travel insurance, funeral benefits, dental and ambulance cover.

About BERT Financial Services

BERT Financial Services was established in 2021 to provide financial services to members of the industry free from conflict, commission, and kickbacks.

About BERT Training Fund

BERT Training Fund (BTF) is a joint Union and Employer initiative which provides members of the Building Employees Redundancy Trust (BERT) with funding and assistance to improve their skills. The fund which was previously known as the Queensland Construction Training Fund (QCTF) was established in 1991 to enable industry to take responsibility for the funding of its training needs.

The fund also provides significant financial support for the acclaimed Apprentice and Mentorship Programs, currently supporting over 600 apprentices. Additionally, BERT Training Fund provides assistance and additional training to upskill the industry.

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