BERT Members

Workers Eligible to Participate in BERT and BEWT
Anyone who works for an employer that has agreed to contribute to the Funds and is engaged in the following sectors of the building and construction industry:
- Industrial, commercial or residential construction;
- Civil engineering construction; and
- Mechanical engineering construction
and includes all services and maintenance associated or connected with or incidental to any of those forms of construction and also includes each and every one of those sectors or allied industries whether work is performed on-site or off-site.
Contributions made after the 1st of April 2004 will be paid to BERT Fund No. 2. Contributions paid prior to the 1st of April 2004 were paid into the original Fund and will remain there until they are claimed.
How Do I Join?
You will automatically become a member of the Fund when your employer submits your details and pays your first contribution.
You can complete a Member Application Form, but it is not a requirement to complete this form to become a member. At any time after becoming a Member you can update your details on BOBB (BERT Online Balances & Benefits). See login below or something like that.
If you wish to complete this form please mail to BERT at PO Box 805 Spring Hill QLD 4004 or email [email protected].
Once payments have been received on your behalf, you will receive a welcome email or letter from BERT.
With its simple navigation and 24/7 access the BERT Online Balances & Benefits (BOBB) system will allow members to register an account, updated contact information, check their account balance and payment contributions online.
BOBB can be accessed via your PC, Laptop, iPad or Smartphone to help you with your enquiry at any time. Remember BOBB’s your mate – Simply register today and make monitoring your BERT payments easy!