The BERT Dental Scheme provides dental coverage to financial members of the CFMEU and Plumbers Union up to age 75 and their dependants, for accidental damage to sound and healthy teeth occurring outside of working hours.

Maximum Benefit
Single Member: $3,000 (per financial year) | maximum of 2 claims per year (up to the maximum benefit amount of $3000)
Family Member: $3,000 (per financial year) | maximum of 4 claims per year (up to the maximum benefit amount of $3000)
Dependant means the members spouse (or defacto partner) and includes unmarried financially dependant children of the member up to 16 years of age, or up to age 25 if a full-time student.
Only damage to sound and healthy teeth which has occurred as a result of an accident or incident outside of working hours will be considered. Damage to dentures, bridges and plates that are less than fifteen years old will be covered.
Any claim received will only be considered for payment if the claim is submitted to BERT within six (6) months from the incident date.
To download a claim form go to the forms section of this website or click the link above.
No claims for dental damage will be accepted which are a result of (not a complete list):
- Failed treatmentAn illegal act
- Childbirth or pregnancy or their complications
- Disease or sickness
- An incident sustained at work or via a motor vehicle accident for which statutory insurance provides compensation (I.e. WorkCover; CTP Insurance)
- An incident sustained when training for or playing in competitive club sport or activity organised by any sporting organisation, authority or club
- An incident sustained for the use of intoxicating liquor or drugs, unless prescribed by a medical practitioner and used as per the medical instructions
- Damage that is to temporary caps or fillings
- Damage to milk teeth or first teeth
- Extraction of wisdom teeth
- Damage to denture, bridges or plates that are more than 15 years old
- NOTE: for all incidents and damage caused to dentures, bridges and plates between the age of 10 to 15 years BERT will consider a contribution towards the damage based on the age of the denture/bridge.