Building & Civil Workers
- Cover up to 70 years of age
- Worldwide coverage (payments only when in Australia)

Building & Civil Worker Benefits
Income Protection (Injury and Illness)
- Leisure time injury and illness
- Up to 85% of pre disability earnings to a maximum benefit of $1,600 per week (from March 2019)
- 21 days excess period on claims
- Up to 2 years benefit period (52 weeks for members aged 65 to 70)
Bill Payer (For Injuries/Illnesses From 1 March 2023)
Members on a CIP claim will be able to claim up to $250 per agreed bill to a maximum of $5,000 over the duration of a claim. Bills covered and able to be claimed include:
- Electricity
- Water
- Gas
- Phone (landline and mobile)
Tuition fees (for primary school, secondary school or tertiary education for a workers dependants)
- Bills must be issued by the service provider within the period of disablement
- No benefit will be paid for bills received during the first 21 days of disablement (waiting period)
- Late fees charged on any bill will not be reimbursed
- Bills will only be reimbursed to the worker (or in joint names the worker is one of the named addressees) and for the worker’s residential address
- In the event of joint mobile phone bills where there are multiple services listed, only the portion of the bill that applies to the worker will be reimbursed.
Portable Sick Leave
Allows employees that accrue sick leave to bank days that would normally be lost when they leave or change employment.
- Bank unused sick leave days on termination
- Capped to 100 days maximum
- CIP Termination must be completed online or a form completed by employer
- Held for 2 years from last contribution
Days returned to employer if employee returns to employer within 6 months
CIP Termination Forms are available on this website under forms or via the employer online contribution advice. The form must be completed by the employer and submitted to CIP to ensure sick leave entitlements are banked for the workers.
WorkCover Top Up Benefits
Covers eligible insured workers once WorkCover benefits reduce below 85% of pre-disability earnings.
- Top-Up benefit to a combined maximum $2,000 per week (for injuries occurring on or after 1 July 2022) after 26 weeks, once WorkCover reduces payment below 85% of pre disability income, need to provide a letter from WorkCover.
- Up to 78 weeks benefit from date WorkCover reduces payment
- Top-Up ceases when WorkCover stops payment
The current Building Industry Worker contribution rates are:
From March 2024 – February 2025 contribution period | $51 per person, per week (including GST) |
From March 2025 – February 2026 contribution period | $54 per person, per week (including GST) |
Employers are required to pay the contribution per week (no pro-rata) for each employee in accordance with the Constitution. Contributions for each month can be submitted from the 1st of the new month and are due no later than the last working day of the next month.
Contributions must be maintained for all workers regardless of the absence i.e.; on WorkCover, annual leave, leave without pay. The constitution requires weekly payments to be contributed whilst the employee is employed, or when a worker has lodged a claim under the Fund. This is an insurance product and if monthly contributions are not maintained workers will have no insurance cover for those periods where there have been no payments.
What is Not Covered
- War whether declared or not, invasion or civil war, rebellion or insurrection;
- Intentional self-injury or suicide or any attempt at suicide.
- Flying or other aerial activity unless a passenger in a properly licensed aircraft;
- The worker’s criminal or illegal act.
- Training for or playing in professional or non profession sport or activity organised by any sporting organisation, authority, club or centre.
- A period of disablement resulting from any sickness, disease or medical condition for which the worker has required medication, or any treatment or advice from a doctor, chiropractor, physiotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist in the six (6) months before the commencement date of their cover; or the resumption of their cover following a period of at least six (6) consecutive months for which we did not receive insurance premium contributions in respect of that worker;
- Any injury or illness for which statutory worker’s compensation scheme or any statutory transport accident scheme provides compensation and/or damages;
- The worker’s use of alcohol or drugs unless the drugs have been prescribed by a registered medical practitioner and used as per registered medical practitioner’s instructions.
- Any time during which a worker is serving a prison sentence or remanded in custody and, if already on a claim, any period of claim during which a worker is serving a prison sentence or remanded in custody.
- An aggravation of an injury, illness or medical condition which is deemed by a legally qualified medical practitioner to be a deterioration, aggravation, acceleration or exacerbation of an injury, illness or medical condition significantly contributed to by any employment, current or previous.
- Terrorism exclusion applies.
- Radioactivity or the use, existence or escape of any nuclear fuel, nuclear material, or nuclear waste or action of nuclear fission or fusion
NOTE: No payments will be made under this policy when the insured person is outside Australia. If disabled overseas, payments will only commence and become effective when the worker returns to Australia.
** For injuries and illnesses from 1 August 2024 the exclusion relating to pregnancy, childbirth or miscarriage, childbirth or miscarriage or any complication arising from those conditions has been removed from the CIP policy.
- Waiting period 7 days
- 26 week benefit period
Please note: Construction Income Protection Limited (CIPL) is the administrator of the Accident and Illness Benefits Program and Portable Sick Leave Scheme. The insurance policy is arranged by Windsor Management Insurance Brokers and distributed by CIPL. CIPL does not manage or process claims. All claims are managed and processed by Total Claims Solutions, who has been appointed as claims manager of QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited. CIPL does not give any advice in relation to the insurance policy.