About Us

The Building Employees Redundancy Trust was established in 1989 to provide redundancy payments and benefits to its members and training grants for workers in the Queensland and Northern Territory building and construction industry.

Construction Income Protection – CIP commenced on 1st March 2001 to provide income protection and portability of sick leave benefits for workers in the building and construction industry within Queensland and Northern Territory.

To learn more about BERT and CIP click here: 


Your BERT Online Balances & Benefits. BOBB will allow you 24/7 access to your BERT and CIP accounts. It will provide you with the most up to date information on your account. BOBB makes updating your personal details, checking your balance and payments and submitting enquiries easy.


Our Employers Online system allows employers 24/7 access to complete their contributions online. It provides employers with the ability to terminate and re-activate members easily, keeping contributions details up to date. Employers are able to view, download and print advices, invoices and receipts.

Latest News and Events

BERT | CIP is now on Facebook. Don’t forget to like and follow us so you can stay up to date with all information surrounding BERT and CIP, as well as take part in competitions,

BERT and CIP would like to thank all sponsors and attendees for their generous support and attendance at our recent Charity Golf Day held at Gailes Golf Course on Friday 15 March 2